Here is timely garden news from our good friends at University of Minnesota.
Prepare for boxelder bugs
 Jeffrey Hahn, Extension Entomologist
Boxelder bugs are starting to congregate around the outside of buildings. Take action now if you wish to minimize problems with them later, especially if you have had a problem with them in the past. Although boxelder bugs are just a nuisance, they can potentially enter homes in large numbers. People can see them in their homes not only in the fall, but also during the winter and early spring.
Watch out for boxelder bugs trying to get into your home. Photo: Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension |
It is not effective to spray the boxelder bugs found in the landscape. Adults have wings and can easily fly onto your property from adjacent areas. It is much more effective to take steps to help prevent boxelder bugs from entering a home to begin with.
There are two basic ways for dealing with boxelder bugs (and other insects, like lady beetles) that try come into your home seeking sheltered areas for the winter: sealing cracks and spaces and timely insecticide sprays. These are steps you can take yourself or hire a professional to do for you.
For more information on boxelder bugs, including control, see Boxelder bugs.