In order to provide faster and more efficient plowing service I would like to ask you to do a few things to help us when a snowstorm occurs.
 Leave your outside lights on.
 Park your cars in the garage or as far out of the way as possible.
 We may install snow stakes on some properties to mark some areas. If there are additional areas that you feel should be marked please contact us.
Make sure you are signed up for the e-mail snow alerts. Â They are sent out during each snow event and keep customers updated to: Â estimated start time, estimated completion time, storm and weather information, and on a ‘marginal’ snow fall whether we are dispatching crews or not.Â
 The “Snowfall Hot line†number is: 612 562-6229. This is most direct way to contact us during and immediately after a snow event. Messages will be forwarded out to my cell phone where they will be closely monitored.
 The following information will help you understand the residential snow removal process and times needed to complete the clearing of snow. Remember that we generally start after the snow has stopped falling.
 When the ending snowfall is…
           1.5 to 4 inches approximate time to complete all snow removal is 8-12 hours.
           4 to 6 inches approximate time to complete all snow removal is 12 to 15 hours.
           6 to 8 inches approximate time to complete all snow removal is 15 to 18 hours.
           8 to 12 inches approximate time to complete all snow removal is 24 hours.
           Over 12 inches AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
 If the snow is continuous requiring us to plow a 2nd time, there may be 24 hours between visits. Also keep in mind that with continuous snowfall our initial plowing may be covered up with several inches of snow making it appear as if we have not plowed yet.
 In the event the state department of transportation calls equipment off the road in the metropolitan area or sustained winds equal to or exceeding 30 mph, Parkway Lawn Service will have the option to call off snow removal operation until conditions which were stated above improve.
 Parkway will not be held responsible for shrubs, sod, sprinkler heads, or landscaped areas damaged by snowplows or piles.
Normal wear and tear of parking lots, curbs and/or sidewalks should be expected including rust marks on concrete.
With best wishes for the holidays and the coming year,
 Bob Kroth
Parkway Lawn Service Inc.
Snowfall Hotline 612 562-6229
Office 612 869-5878