Tag Archives: lawn fungi

Wet Summer 2011 Minneapolis

The summer of 2011 was a very wet summer in Minneapolis, MN.  The rain and damp soil helped the grass and the flowers stay beautiful all summer. The wet summer allowed many other things around your yard to flourish such as weeds, mold, and crab grass. Mold can also be encouraged by wet and humid conditions. […]

Lawn Mushrooms

Lawn Mushrooms   Photo 1: Newly emerging lawn mushrooms. Bob Mugaas Bob Mugaas, University of Minnesota Extension Educator With some areas of the state receiving moderate to heavy amounts of rainfall over the past couple of weeks, mushrooms are beginning to randomly appear in lawns. Their appearance often causes people to be concerned about the […]

Snow Molds Will be Abundant This Spring

When the snow finally melts in your yard, there is a very good chance you will notice some rather unsightly fungus emerging. Grey Snow Mold and Pink Snow Mold are the common names for this growth. The reason these fungi are so prevalent this spring is that ideal fungus conditions were set up last November.  […]