Author Archives: Daryl Larson

Time for sod?

Sodding If you still have areas of your lawn that are in rough shape from the damage of last winter, we can restore those areas. We know what it takes to water and maintain new turf grass sod. Parkway Lawn Service specializes in small to medium size sod jobs. In a short time, we can […]

What is Grasscycling?

What is grasscycling? The term “grasscycling” is the blend of two words that, since at least 1990, has described the practice of leaving clippings on the lawn when mowing. Grass clippings will quickly decompose, returning valuable nutrients to the soil. Grasscycling saves time and money, and it protects the environment. Mowing time is reduced because […]

Snow Molds Will be Abundant This Spring

When the snow finally melts in your yard, there is a very good chance you will notice some rather unsightly fungus emerging. Grey Snow Mold and Pink Snow Mold are the common names for this growth. The reason these fungi are so prevalent this spring is that ideal fungus conditions were set up last November.  […]


This article says it best.   By Gary Johnson, University of Minnesota Extension St. Paul, MN (8/6/2007) “For trees and shrubs, the single, most effective way to moderate soil moisture fluctuations and reduce irrigation is to apply a generous layer of mulch (preferably organic). It is astonishing how long the soil below a generous mulch […]